WPS Office
Online free open office suite, alternative to Microsoft / MS word, excel, powerpoint etc. Can be downloaded free online for school students or business to use word document, spreadsheet, presentation & free pdf convert to other files with Mac ios or PC windows 10.
WPS Office - Free Office Download for PC & Mobile, Alternative to MS Office
WPS Office | Online free open office suite, alternative to Microsoft / MS word, excel, powerpoint etc. Can be downloaded free online for school students or business to use word document, spreadsheet, presentation & free pdf convert to other files with Mac ios or PC windows 10.


  1. 覆蓋最多平台 (連 Linux 都有)
  2. 免費版有幾乎九成的功能
  3. 介面與 MS Office 類似


  1. 仍然有部分相容問題,但已經是目前最優解
  2. 大陸公司出品
  3. 有文字被審核爭議,因此建議不要使用其雲端服務與使用該工具進行較機密的文書工作
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