@TaiwanEBook 發起人/@PlaylistNote 開發者/也寫文章。
“Ultimately it comes down to taste.” — Steve Jobs
Translation Projects
Writer – iA
Password Manager for Families, Businesses, Teams | 1Password
A password manager, digital vault, form filler and secure digital wallet. 1Password remembers all your passwords for you to help keep account information safe.
A beautiful, feature rich music player for iPhone.
《1Password for iOS and OSX》正體中文翻譯者的告白 - 花椰菜 Denken (@denkeni)
前陣子才終於把所有已翻譯詞彙都審核過了,最近《1Password for iOS》更新後,已經把目前既有的正體中文翻譯都套用上去了。根據翻譯成果報表,正體中文翻譯的主要貢獻者是我和 @rocksan,我是目前 《1Password for iOS and OSX》正體中文翻譯的社...